Saturday, January 29, 2011

I can't stand people, I hate them. Barfly

The post below brought me some memories. So, together with my flashbacks I recommend you, with all my love and non-drunkenness, to watch this movie:

see about Barfly (1987) on IMDB or

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Vintage Polaroid Land Camera

Somebody please make me this beautiful present!
too bad it's already sold

we can't?!

A Mystery: Why Can't We Walk Straight? from NPR on Vimeo.

hope house

Nothing To Fear from Simon Russell on Vimeo.

Women are Heroes

groove to the roots

Be Stupid

The official Be Stupid philosphy here

The Red Book

Carl Jung



The Bear that Wasn't

A Cool Cat in Town

PSY BLOG, understand your mind

he re

how the rhino got his skin


Leonard Cohen - A Thousand kisses deep